
English Videos for everyday learning

Amenable pronunciation vocabulary


4 syllables, stress on the 2nd syllable

An adjective that means agreeable, cooperative, willing to listen, open to compromise, suggestions

For example:

1. My team was amenable to the suggestions I made during the meeting.

2. The store manager was amenable when I requested a refund.


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Sassy at the Vet pronunciation vocabulary

I took my cat Sassy to the vet today.  "Vet" is short for "veterinarian".  

"Veterinarian" has 6 syllables.

Sassy wasn't very happy about going to the vet, but she is a 16 year old Siamese cat and her thyroid hasn't been working properly. 

The vet is going to take some...

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Resilient pronunciation vocabulary

New Vocabulary Word:  Resilient

3 syllables, stress on the second syllable.

The "s" sounds like a /z/


Definition: flexible; able to adjust

Things can be flexible:

Tires are very resilient against gravel and rough roads.

People can be flexible:

Gina is very resilient. ...

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Have you been to a potluck dinner? vocabulary

Have you ever been to a "potluck" dinner?

• Potluck - everyone brings a dish (food) to share with everyone.

• Picnic - a meal that is eaten outdoors such as a park, garden, or backyard. It's common to bring sandwiches, fruit, snacks, and finger food (sandwiches cut into smaller...

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Spoiled Food pronunciation vocabulary

English Vocabulary to describe when food is bad.

• spoiled
• sour
• bad
• has gone bad
• rancid (also has a very bad smell)
• expired

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Shopping Phrases expressions phrases idioms vocabulary

Words and Expressions for Shopping and Spending Money.

Window Shopping: looking at items in the store, shopping mall, etc., but NOT buying anything.

Splurge: to spend a lot of money ; especially in the context of buying or doing something extravagant that you normally don't do.
"It was my...

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The General Present Time english grammar vocabulary

This can include:
• The present,
• The recent past (a few weeks ago, a few months ago, or a few years ago),
• The near future

• Presently
"I'm presently working to improve my health."
"Currently, I'm taking 4 classes this semester."
• Today
"Today, we're using...

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Overhear or Eavesdropping? expressions phrases idioms vocabulary

What's the difference between "overhear" and "eavesdrop"?

They both mean that you hear someone's conversation without their knowledge.

  • Overhear - You're not trying to listen, but you still hear the person talking.

"I overheard him on the phone yesterday."

  • Eavesdrop - You are trying to...

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Suffix -ity for Nouns pronunciation vocabulary

For some adjectives, their noun form has the suffix -ity.

Example: the noun form of "generous" is "generosity."
* Primary stress falls on the syllable before -ity. 

• Generous - Generosity
• Curious - Curiosity
• Original - Originality
• Legal - Legality
• Equal -...

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More -ity Suffix Words pronunciation vocabulary

Remember: The main stress falls on the syllable before -ity

Responsible -- Responsibility

Stable -- Stability

Simple -- Simplicity

Authentic -- Authenticity

Diverse -- Diversity

Sensitive -- Sensitivity

Sustainable -- Sustainability

Fertile -- Fertility





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