Essential Sounds and Speech Patterns Tutorial is structured into 11 modules:

 (includes downloadable notes, practice exercises and quizzes) 

Module1: Introduction

The fundamentals

Module 2: TH

Unvoiced TH

Voiced TH

Contrast /d/ and /ð/

Module 3: /æ/ short "a"

/æ/ as in "cat"

Module 4: /Ɛ/ short "e"

/Ɛ/ as in "egg"

Contrast /æ/ and /Ɛ/

Module 5: /r/

The General American "r"

Module 6: Syllables and Stress

• 3 Types of Stress - primary, secondary, unstressed

Module 7: 3 Rules of Connection

- Final consonant to next consonant; Final consonant to initial vowel; W and Y Shadow

Module 8: /iy/ and /I/

/iy/ as in "it"

/I/ as in "eat"

Contrast /iy/ and /I/

Module 9: /a/ and /uh/

Contrast  "hot" and "hut" words

Module 10: /u/ and /Ʊ/

/u/ as in "Luke"

/Ʊ/ as in "look"

Module 11: The Weird American T

American "T" sounds/rules - True "t", Light "d", Stopped "t", Silent "t"

Stopped "t"

Stopped "t" as in "button", "kitten"

Something Else before "t"